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This Week at Redeemer

You can find greater detail by clicking on the Calendar tab.
Please contact the church office for more information (210-930-4480). You can also sign up for Redeemer's weekly email newsletter here.

Find out what's happening at Redeemer this week!

Sunday Morning Worship Service
Sunday, December 22nd 9:15 AM & 11:00 AM
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
903 N. St. Mary's Street
San Antonio, TX 78215
Join us for our regular worship services at 9:15 a.m. & 
11:00 a.m.

No Christian Education Classes
Sunday, December 22nd
Classes will resume on Sunday, January 12th.

Redeemer News

Check out the latest on the Redeemer website!

Inside Redeemer Winter 2024 - 2025

Christmas at Redeemer

New Sermon Series: Songs of Christmas - Rev. Paul Hahn

2024 End of Year Giving Update


Redeemer is pleased to announce Cody and Anna Duncan joining us in membership this past Sunday! Please welcome them into our church family.

Local Missions Opportunities

Toys for our City Partners
Several of our partners are having toy drives leading up to the holidays. Here are a few ways you can help!

Strong Foundation works with families at risk of experiencing homelessness. Click here for their Toy Drive instructions. There is also an Amazon wish list. If ordering from the wish list, please indicate your name and Redeemer’s name on the gift receipt.

Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM) provides many services for those experiencing a crisis. There are opportunities for donating toys, volunteering time or using their gift registry here.

Please drop off all toys with our partners and not at Redeemer Presbyterian Church.

Upcoming Events

December 24th: Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

December 24th & 25th: The Church Office

December 29th: Regular Sunday Morning Worship Service

Decemebr 30th - January 3rd: Church Office Closed

January 3rd: Young Adults First Friday

Redeemer Children’s Advent Season: Advent devotionals are available in the church foyer. Click here for a digital advent resources.

Crates for Ukraine: If you would like to help get supplies to communities in Ukraine, you may do so by direct donations.