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Blog Archives: December 2018

A Long, Slow Christmas

December 19, 2018
Sarah Beaugh
In our culture, it is an uphill climb to embrace a long, slow Christmas season. It is hard to pause and soak in the spirit of Advent, the “waiting” for Christmas. My children gleefully count down the days until Christmas, while I attempt to live in the tension between their excitement and anticipation and my own worries and to-do lists. As I encourage Redeemer’s parents today, I am really preaching to myself! It is easy to load ourselves down with self-imposed strain and guilt about things we think are important in order for Christmas to ...

2019 Mission Trip Teams Forming Soon

December 18, 2018
Haley Wachdorf
Redeemer’s mission trip teams for 2019 will start holding interest meetings in January. Because months go into preparing, fundraising, and learning about the culture the team will visit, now is not too early to prayerfully consider one of Redeemer’s mission trips. Here are stories from mission trip teams Redeemer sent out in 2018. L’viv, Ukraine Going to Ukraine was Angel Whitley’s first mission trip. Angel’s husband Jeremy had been to L’viv with a Redeemer team ten years before. When they both committed to go with the 2018 team, Angel ...

Winter Grace 2019: Life-Giving Friendships

December 10, 2018
Tara Gibbs
Can you think of someone in your life who has “given life” to you in things she did or said? As we walk through life, there are those in our lives who have done and said things that have “given life” to us. We have also experienced others who have “taken life” in the ways they have related to us — those whose words or actions have wounded us in minor or deeply-lasting ways. I can certainly think of many times I have taken life from my friends and family with angry words, sarcasm, gossip, criticism, and more. Can you? I long to give life ...

Join Redeemer at San Antonio's MLK March

December 06, 2018
Haley Wachdorf
If you have never attended San Antonio’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. March, you may be unaware that it is the largest in the nation. On average, 300,000 people attend the march each year, starting at the MLK Freedom Bridge on the East Side of San Antonio and following a three-mile route to Pittman-Sullivan Park. This year, Redeemer will participate in this important day in the life of our city, and we invite you to join us. This year’s march takes place on Monday, January 21, 2019. Redeemer’s Racial Reconciliation Committee, which met ...