Children on Sundays

Sunday Programs for Children

At Redeemer Presbyterian Church, we love children! Redeemer is a young congregation blessed with many children, and as you look around the sanctuary on Sunday morning, you will see that children and youth are a beloved part of our worshipping community. Children are always welcomed in our worship services, and the Redeemer Children’s Ministry and Redeemer Youth Ministry programs help children learn to worship and grow in Christ at every age.


Nursery, ages 3 months through 4 years old

The Redeemer Nursery is located on the main floor of the church across from the sanctuary. Babies and children are also welcome in the worship service. Click here to learn about our Nursery policies.

Training in the Pews (TIP)

Ages 4-6 (9:15 a.m. hour only during the school year)

It is our hope that children will learn to listen well to God's word as they mature through the ages of 4-6. To help them learn to listen, children falling in this age bracket are invited to our Training in the Pews program, which is offered during our 9:15 a.m. worship service in the school year. Around the age of 4 children should begin to transition out of the nursery and attend the worship service. Just before the sermon, children ages 4-6 are dismissed to our Training in the Pews program, where they sing and hear an age-appropriate Bible lesson, then rejoin their families for the remainder of the worship service. 

Children’s Christian Education (CE)

Ages Pre-K4-5th grade
(11 a.m. hour only during the school year)

Children’s Ministry is located downstairs. From late August through mid-May, our Christian Education program offers classes for children ages 4 through 5th grade. We have a time of large group assembly where children sing and work on Scripture memorization together before being dismissed to classes by grade.  

Youth Christian Education

Youth Christian Education, ages 6th-12th Grade
(11 a.m. hour only during the school year)

The Youthies Room is located downstairs. From late August through mid-May, our Christian Education program offers classes for children ages 6th through 12th grade. 

Redeemer offers worship services at 9:15 and 11 a.m.  

The Redeemer Nursery is open for both services. 

Training in the Pews is offered for children ages 4-6 during the 9:15 service during the school year.   

Christian Education classes for children and youth takes place during the 11 a.m. hour. All Christian Education classrooms are located downstairs, in our Children's and Youth Ministry areas. 

If you are planning a visit to Redeemer, we want to welcome you and your children!  

Redeemer takes the safety and wellbeing of our children very seriously. All volunteers are trained and background checked before serving with children. Redeemer’s Child Protection Policies require check-in and parental check-out for children in our Nursery and Children’s Christian Education program. You are welcomed to pre-register your children to make this part of the morning smoother, or a volunteer will assist you with this process on Sunday morning.  

Click here to pre-register your child. 

To learn more, visit our Children’s Ministries Page or Youth Ministry Page.

Questions? Contact RPC Children’s and Youth Ministry Staff 

Contact RPC Children's Ministry Staff