Men's Ministry

"Redeemer’s Men’s Ministry desires to disciple and train men so that they might grow in gospel freedom and glorify God at work, among their family and friends, and in the church. Through the grace of Jesus Christ, the men’s ministry seeks to nurture and challenge men in their journey as Christian men in the world."

There are many opportunities to foster spiritual growth among the men at Redeemer. Newcomers are always welcome at any event, so please feel free to invite others.

Men's Bible Studies

Join the men of Redeemer Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings Redeemer for Men's Bible Study. There are two meeting times and locations:

  • 7 p.m. Tuesday evenings at Mama Margie's Restaurant (9950 W I-10, 78230).
  • 6:30 a.m. Wednesday mornings in the Redeemer Fellowship Hall. Breakfast tacos provided!

To receive a reminder of this event or for more information, please email Jeremy Whitley.

Fall Retreat

Every fall, Redeemer men retreat to a nearby camp or ranch. These events allow men to appreciate the beauty of creation, build deeper friendships, and study and discuss God’s Word and its implications on the lives of men in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.

Social Events  

Throughout the year, we meet to fellowship together with different activities. Check the list of upcoming events on the website for more information and to sign up for these events a few weeks before they happen.


If you want to join a men’s small group or desire to learn more about the men’s ministry at Redeemer, please email Jeremy Whitley, Men's Ministry Coordinator.

Contact RPC Men's Ministry