Christian Education

Redeemer offers Sunday morning Christian Education classes for children, youth, and adults during the 11 a.m. hour. 

At Redeemer, we speak frequently about discipleship and spiritual formation. We use the word discipleship because to be a disciple is to follow Christ and to become like him. We use the phrase spiritual formation because the Apostle Paul talks about the Holy Spirit forming us into Christ's image. This involves a transformation of our minds, as well as our hearts and relationships. It affects everything. Therefore, in each aspect of our life at Redeemer, the goal is to see us become more like Jesus.   

Within our Adult Christian Education program, we will have all sorts of classes: You will see classes on biblical books, theological topics, or current cultural issues as they arise. But we will always keep in the rotation our seven core Spiritual Formation classes. These classes are designed to usher adults from all kinds of spiritual backgrounds into a grace-filled relationship with Jesus Christ, an open and growing understanding of themselves, and deeply mature relationships with others. 

Some of our Adult Christian Education classes also serve as a core curriculum for those desiring to serve in areas of greater responsibility at Redeemer. Learn more about our Adult Christian Education classes below and watch the announcements for details about class offerings each semester.  

Questions about Christian Education at Redeemer? Contact RPC Co-Lead Pastor Matt Beham

The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.

Matthew 13:31-32

Adult Christian Education at Redeemer

These are some of the Adult Christian Education classes offered regularly at Redeemer. Watch the announcements for details about when and where these classes are offered.

This eight-week discussion is for the curious and the mature believer alike. It will be a conversation about Jesus and the Gospel that is designed to be evangelistic and engaging.

This class will take an in-depth look at the way grace transforms the whole of our interior lives and the relationships we form. This class will set the foundation for deep relationships at Redeemer by engaging with the key ideas and practices of spiritual formation.

In this class we take time to reflect on the connections that exist between who we are and what we do. We’ll discuss calling, gifting, vocation, and stewardship in ways that seek to unite all the various aspects of what we do with the depth of who we are in Christ.

We believe that God is enlisting each of us in the service of his kingdom. This class will explore the habits of heart and practices of relating that will equip us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world.

This evening class explores the major tenets of Christian theology as given in the Scriptures and understood by the Reformed tradition. This class, along with the Practice of the Church class, is required for one to become eligible for nomination to the offices of deacon and ruling elder and is encouraged for those who wish to lead community groups, Bible studies or other areas of ministry at Redeemer.

This class, offered on Sunday evenings, is designed to explore Redeemer’s approach to ministry. It seeks to integrate spiritual formation and our broader theological commitments so that they serve the practical realities of the local church. This class, along with the Introduction to Christian Theology class, is required to become eligible for nomination to the offices of deacon and ruling elder and is encouraged for those who wish to lead community groups, Bible studies or other areas of ministry at Redeemer.

This class considers how the faith we have received from God is transferred to our children. This class is relevant for parents of all ages as well as those serving children, all who desire to entrust the gospel to the coming generation. 

Questions about Adult Christian Education? Contact RPC Co-Lead Pastor Matt Beham