Who We Are

By God’s grace and all for his glory, Redeemer Presbyterian Church exists to worship God’s greatness, grow in Gospel freedom and extend God’s Kingdom in San Antonio and beyond.

Our Story

San Antonio is among America’s fastest-growing cities and is now the 7th largest city in the United States. Long known for the Alamo and the Riverwalk, San Antonio has always been a tourist destination. In recent decades San Antonio has become a major hub for health care research and services, technology, banking, United States military training, and commerce linking Mexico and the United States. Combined with its rich and historic past, San Antonio is truly a unique city with a vibrant future. 

Redeemer entered into this culturally rich and dynamic city in the summer of 2002 eager to share the ancient, yet timeless message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our place is found in the urban core of San Antonio. Redeemer’s first public worship service was held downtown at The Bright Shawl, two blocks away from what would become our permanent home at 903 N. St. Mary’s Street. Redeemer purchased the former YMCA Building in 2012, revitalizing the long-vacant building to serve as an anchor for ministry to the city of San Antonio.

Now a church of more than 900 members, Redeemer longs to reach our city with the good news of the Gospel. The Gospel is not simply about sharing a message, doing better, or being nicer, but about God’s renovation of the whole of our lives—giving us a new focus for worship, new fuel for life, and new purpose for the future. 

Our desire is to lovingly embrace and support the people and culture of San Antonio, not alienate or condemn. We see the needs and problems of our city as opportunities for service and sacrifice, not problems to overlook or abandon. Redeemer seeks to engage San Antonio's business, university, professional, medical, and art communities in the hopes of seeing resources and people redirected by the love of Christ in order to bless the wider city.

Redeemer welcomes everyone—the seeker, skeptic, and spiritually hungry. We desire to be a place of healing for those burnt out and wounded by the world and the church. We work hard to build bridges among the various ethnicities present in our city so that the Gospel's transforming message may touch more lives. 

In a time when churches are leaving the city, our vision to serve and reach the city could not be more important.

Our Core Commitments

Giving shape to our vision are Redeemer’s seven values. These commitments are the “DNA” that inform every aspect of Redeemer’s ministry, seeking to lead every member into a life of joyful, Gospel dependence and outward missional engagement.

Our confidence is not in ourselves, but in our God who has called us to participate in his story of redemption.  In pursuing His glory our greatest joy is found. God is always going ahead, behind and alongside of his people. The Church is first and foremost His great work. Our calling is to participate in what He is already doing.

The Bible is more than a guidebook; it is a living authority that changes the hearts of the unconvinced and matures those already in Christ. Therefore, the Bible—not pragmatism, personalities, marketing techniques or programs—drives and develops ministry.

The grace flowing from the Gospel is the dynamic engine of the Christian life, freeing us from both despair and pride so we can love God and our neighbor. This gospel freedom is central to our message, and the driving force behind our evangelism, growth, and service.

Christian worship exists to turn us away from the trivial and artificial objects of worship which have captivated our hearts and return us to true worship of the Living God. Worship is at the core of our humanity. We were created to “glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” 

As members of Christ’s body, Redeemer is a community of lived relationships, shaped and being shaped by grace for the common good. The Christian faith is not something lived out in isolation but in the context of the Church. For this reason, we value the people of the Church—her men, women and children. Each of God’s people are uniquely blessed and called to exercise their gifts for the common good of the Church.

Christ came to establish not simply a church, but a Kingdom. This Kingdom work is not to be against the city, nor is it to condone, but seeks to transform both city and culture. As “Kingdom Saints” we believe that it is our responsibility to winsomely and realistically engage San Antonio (its beauty and its ugliness) all for the glory of Christ. 

Aiming to be an authentic and loving community requires that everything we do be done with humility, sensitivity and a listening ear to those who are not yet a part of us.