Beliefs and Baptism
Redeemer’s faith and life are anchored in the historic Christian faith as it is revealed in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Together with Christians throughout the ages, we affirm the historic Nicene and Apostle’s creeds and such foundational truths as:
We believe the Bible is God's Word, completely trustworthy and without error. It is the ultimate authority for all that we believe and practice in life.
The Bible teaches that one real and personal God exists eternally in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Bible teaches that human beings are created gloriously in the image of their creator to enjoy God and live out his purposes in this world. Nevertheless, the human race, on account of our first parents, has become estranged from its creator through the overwhelming power of sin. Left to ourselves, we would not fulfill the magnificent purpose for which we were created, but instead perish forever.
Out of God’s sheer love and grace, God the Son took on human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ in order to deliver humanity from its lost condition. In so doing, Jesus lived a sinless life, obeyed God's law completely, suffered and died on the cross of Calvary, and then was physically raised on the third day. He did all this to accomplish the salvation of his people.
Each person can receive this salvation by renouncing their former manner of life and believing in Jesus Christ alone. This is not something we earn (by good works), but itself a gift of God’s grace. An obedient life (good works) is lived in the power of the Holy Spirit and evidence of the salvation we have freely received by grace.
The church is the people of God from all ages, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, the head of the church, also called "the body of Christ." Christians join together in local communities or churches to worship their Lord, to grow together in his likeness, and to enjoy serving him together.
Additionally, as a member of the Presbyterian Church in America, we trace our theological and ecclesiastical roots to the Reformed tradition of Protestantism. The Westminster Standards are a wonderful expression of the Bible’s core teachings and has served as the doctrinal standard for Presbyterians since the seventeenth century.
Baptism at Redeemer
Redeemer is a part of the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition. Simply put, that means we follow the historic practice of the church with respect to the sacrament of baptism. This means we baptize new believers and the infant children of believers.
The water is a fit sign that those baptized are washed and included in God’s covenant of grace, that they are part of God’s family. While the act of baptism does not “save”, it is a wonderful witness to the salvation offered in Christ for all.
If you have never been baptized before and would like to be, you will need to complete the church membership at Redeemer first. Be sure to discuss your desire at your membership interview. This will allow you to be scheduled for baptism on the day you take your membership vows in front of the congregation.
Redeemer will baptize infants of church members. If you are already a member, you can request your child for baptism by calling the church office.
If you are a new member parent and have not taken your vows yet, please inform the elder or pastor who conducts your membership interview to schedule your infant’s baptism upon your reception into membership.
Redeemer will baptize your older child after he or she has made a profession of faith. Redeemer offers a Communicants class three times per year to aid our children’s understanding of the Christian faith. For information about this class, contact Director of Children's Ministry Sara Brouillard.