Healing From Sexual
Brokenness Groups

Finding Freedom
and Support

Redeemer offers Healing From Sexual Brokenness Groups. These groups are a place for people to explore and confess the burden of their sexual brokenness. That brokenness may be areas of current struggle for which you need help and accountability, or the brokenness may be the lingering pain from past experiences. Participants in these groups are finding help with pornography, sexual abuse, promiscuous relationships, same-sex attraction, or abortions. 

In these groups, people are looking to the grace of God found only in Jesus to help them find the freedom and hope from their sexual brokenness. They are listening to one another and learning from one another. Some are speaking about these parts of their lives for the first time. All are exploring their brokenness as well as God’s grace in greater depths. If you are struggling, consider allowing others to help you find the redemption God has for you through these groups. 


  • These are confidential groups. You will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement indicating your commitment to not discuss the names and/or details shared in the group with anyone else.
  • Each group is a closed group. That means that once they begin, no new members will be added. Furthermore, participation for the entire duration is expected.
  • The groups meet for 8-10 weeks.
  • Each group leader is from Redeemer and has experience with group leadership, discipleship, and discussing sexual brokenness, but they are not licensed professionals or experts.
  • Redeemer will typically host a class in the fall and another in the spring. The dates and locations of meetings will be given after a person has expressed interest and discussed participation with the group leader.
  • If you are interested in upcoming men's groups, please contact RPC Associate Pastor of Congregational Care Bryant McGee. If you are interested in upcoming women's groups, contact RPC Director of Women's Ministry Amy Arguello.

Participant Feedback

“The Holy Spirit used this group to teach me so many things, especially adding a new dimension to the word ‘humility’. Although the road ahead of me is long, I am hopeful. The fight is worth fighting for.”

“Redeemer has chosen to take on an issue that is greatly affecting the church today and I am extremely thankful for it. The group is not just about addressing pornography, but about finding healing and redemption from issues that are far too common in men today and seldom addressed. We have tackled issues including: reoccurring sin, healing from past hurts, lust, repairing and improving family relationships, selfishness, and dealing with stress. Our studies helped me realize 'my story' is not about me, but about Him. It is about allowing Him to rewrite our story and sweep us up in something greater than ourselves. I can honestly say the group has helped me heal not only from desires of the flesh, but more importantly brought me closer to Him, given me a deeper understanding of who He is and what He desires for us - which is so much greater than we often desire for ourselves. I would recommend this group to anyone who is ready for a change in their life and is ready to be honest about the struggles many of us face on a day to day basis as men in today's world.”

“The group helped me get to the root of my addiction as well as name it as an addiction. I haven’t had a problem confessing this besetting sin in small group settings, but I have wrestled with getting down to the root issues that trigger my flight to this habitual sin pattern. In doing the study that is done in the group I had to intentionally wrestle with this issue and took comfort in the band of brothers who were doing the same. I was surprised by the increased level of comfort I have experienced by having fellow strugglers that I get to see every Sunday at Redeemer.”

"It's very powerful to talk about things in your life that have brought you shame, things that you think if you let them known, you will be looked down upon. But for the opposite to happen, to be loved and looked upon so beautifully accepted, is the love of Christ. That was the biggest take away for me to be in recovery group. Bringing things more and more into the light has been incredibly healing."

"I think the brokenness in our lives has so much POWER when we stay silent and hide alone behind the walls of secrecy--which we think protect us but actually imprison us. When we bring our secrets into the light and share them with safe friends, I think their power is significantly diminished. So many of us daily suffer from very similar anxiety, pain, shame, fear, anger, etc. We suffer alone when we could know the love and support of others who understand and love us. It is so hard to gain perspective alone, but in our group, we gained strength and hope together Our group gave me the chance to speak to others of God’s love, acceptance and hope, and have them speak to me. I think this group is a huge blessing and has helped me gain more self-awareness of God’s care for me and the power I have to stop destructive cycles in my daily life because of the Holy Spirit and the support of my sisters in Christ."