
3 Months - 48 Months / 4 Years

Welcome to Redeemer Nursery

The nursery is a busy, joyful corner of the church open to children ages 3 months through 48 months/4 years. 

Questions? Contact RPC Nursery Coordinator Georgianna Hildebrand  

Our nursery rooms are supervised by paid staff and trained volunteers from the congregation. All of our staff and volunteers have completed Redeemer's volunteer application process and have passed a background check. Redeemer's Child Protection Policies can be read here.  

If this is your first visit to Redeemer, you may pre-register your child for the nursery here or plan for a few extra minutes on Sunday morning to allow our nursery greeter to assist you.

We enforce a gluten-free and nut-free policy in the nursery for the safety of children with food allergies. Starting in our toddler rooms, we serve a snack that complies with this allergen policy. Please do not send food into the nursery with your child. 

All rooms will be cleaned between services and following the second service. 

Inside the nursery, there is a nursing mothers' room available and equipped with rocking chairs, a changing table, and an audio feed of the service for your use as needed. 

Our nursery rooms are organized by developmental stage and age: 

  • Infants: Babies 3 months through early walking.
  • Cruisers: Strong walkers through younger twos.
  • Toddlers: Children ages 2 through 3
  • Preschoolers: Children ages 3 and up. (Note: Sometimes toddlers and preschoolers are grouped together depending on the number of children present.) 

By the time children turn 4 years old, we ask families to begin to transition children into the worship service and Training in the Pews

In the Toddlers and Preschoolers room, we offer a Bible lesson, singing and craft time during the 11 a.m. service when Christian Education is in session (late August through mid-May, with breaks in observance of school holidays).

Please exercise good judgment and love for your neighbor as you evaluate whether your child is healthy enough to be in the nursery. For the well-being of all our children we ask that children remain at home if they are exhibiting the following symptoms: 

  • Cold symptoms such as heavy coughing, excessive sneezing, yellowish discharge from the eyes or nose.
  • Sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, headaches, muscle or body aches, fatigue or new loss of taste or smell.
  • A temperature of 100.5 degrees or greater in the last 24 hours.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
  • Questionable rashes.
  • If an adult in the nursery observes these or other symptoms of illness, parents may be called to remove their child.
  • Children will be checked in at the computer station outside the nursery doors.
  • Children will be carried or escorted into the nursery by a babysitter or the Nursery Coordinator. 

A babysitter or the Nursery Coordinator will be present at all times to assist you if you need to pick up your child during the service.

  • Parents should return to the foyer outside the nursery doors promptly following the end of the service.
  • Babysitters or the Nursery Coordinator will carry or escort children out of the nursery during pickup.

Please label all belongings such as sippy cups and pacifiers. 

Please keep your cell phone with you so that we can contact you if needed. 

If you have any questions before your visit or if we can help you in any way, please reach out to Nursery Coordinator Georgianna Hildebrand at

Contact the RPC Nursery