Train Them Up Family Resources

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6

Redeemer Children's Ministries uses and creates many resources we hope will be helpful to you and your family as you pursue family worship, Scripture memorization, and discipleship in your home.

Click the links below to download resources for Lent 2025. Music Sheet

Lenten Devotional 

Lenten Music Sheet

Spotify Playlist

Every year in Redeemer’s Christian Education program for Children and Youth, we work our way through the New City Catechism, encouraging our children and families to memorize one question a week. Click here to download the annual catechism schedule. We encourage you to keep this card and follow along at home with your family, continuing on with the week’s questions even when CE at Redeemer is not in session. 

The New City Catechism is available on the Redeemer Book Table, or you can download the New City Catechism app for free in the Apple App Store or Google Play. The app pairs each question and answer with a Scripture reading, a short prayer, and a devotional.

Redeemer Children's Ministries also encourages families to work on Scripture memorization at home. Click here to download a simple plan for Family Memory Work - one verse per month your family can memorize together! Click here for a shorter version of our memory work plan for very young children. 

Video Resources 

In 2020 and 2021, Redeemer Children's Ministries produced approximately 30 videos for children and families. On our Teach Me to Worship Vimeo channel, you will find an archive of all these videos, which are a great way for children to practice catechism questions and learn songs they will also hear in our Training in the Pews and Christian Education programs! 

Other Resource

Teach Me to Worship Handbook for students - This accompanies our Teach Me to Worship video series on Vimeo. 

Catechism Game Board - print this at home and mark each catechism question your child memorizes on the game board. 

Catechism Game Instructions 

Advent Resources

What Child is This? Advent Devotional for Families 

Jesse Tree Ornament Templates 

Advent Family Worship Guide