Sunday Volunteer Team

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's grace.” – I Peter 4:10

Serving is an integral part of following Christ, who came to serve, not to be served. At Redeemer, we encourage you to serve on a volunteer team on Sunday mornings as we work together to welcome our neighbors to church. Find your place to serve at Redeemer! There are many ways to get involved.

Redeemer’s greeters and ushers welcome guests to church, distribute our Order of Worship, and help collect the offering. Training for greeters can be accomplished during their first morning of service. This is also a wonderful opportunity for families to serve together! Contact Kenzie Klamm to learn more.

This team of volunteers arrives early on Sundays to prepare communion for the congregation. New team members can be trained by veteran team members. Contact Kenzie Klamm to learn more.

The RPC Coffee Setup Team arrives early on Sunday mornings to make sure hot coffee is always available in the church foyer. New team members can be trained by other team members on a Sunday morning. Contact Kenzie Klamm to learn more. 

Volunteers in Redeemer’s Nursery, Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry must be background checked and trained in Redeemer’s child protection policies and procedures before serving with children.

The Redeemer Nursery serves our littlest members, ages 3 months to 4 years and needs volunteers to welcome our babies, toddlers and preschoolers to Redeemer. Contact Georgianna Hildebrand to learn more. 

RPC Children’s Ministries serves children 4 years old through 5th grade and needs teachers and helpers for our Children’s Christian Education classes, which meet during the school year, as well as for our year-round Training in the Pews program from children ages 4-6. Contact Sara Brouillard to learn more. 

The RPC Youth Ministry serves students in 6th through 12th grades. The Youthies need volunteers to help with large group meetings, group trips, and Youth Christian Education classes. Contact Oscar Palin to learn more.

Contact RPC Sunday Volunteer Team Leaders to learn more.