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2017 Ministry Report

February 10 2018
February 10 2018


View the full ministry report here.

Dear Redeemer Members and Friends,

This year, we celebrate Redeemer’s 15th anniversary of ministry. It is remarkable to look back and reflect on all the ways God has shown His faithfulness to us. From our small beginning as a home-based Bible Study of ten families in 2002, we have grown into a congregation of more than 800 members with a permanent home in the heart of Downtown San Antonio.

As you will see in the pages of this document, 2017 was an especially rich expression of God’s faithfulness to Redeemer. While welcoming new people into the church all the time, we are also sending members out into mission. This year we are greatly rejoicing in launching new church plant Trinity Grace Church in Northwest San Antonio and Reformed University Fellowship at UTSA. Through these new works the Good News extends to more corners of the city.

As we reflect on God’s past faithfulness, we also look ahead to the future. The $3.85 million Building for the Future Capital Campaign Redeemer began in 2017 will enable us to complete the renovation of remaining downstairs space in our current facility and make room for our growing children’s ministry. This campaign also allows us to begin dreaming about what it would look like for Redeemer to one day occupy an entire city block for ministry.

While a lot has changed over 15 years, Redeemer is and always has been a place where lives are being transformed by the extraordinary power of the Gospel. Whether you have been with us from the beginning or are a new member, we hope that this report on what God is doing at Redeemer will inspire you to find your place in the story of grace being written here.

Happy Anniversary, Redeemer!


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