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New sermon series: Gospel Values for Redeemer

January 08 2025
January 08 2025

This week my 2006 Toyota Corolla hit the 200,000 mile mark. I have been waiting for this day for months (if not years), and was able to record the last mile when it turned over from 199,999 to 200,000. And while I recorded along that mile stretch and waited for the momentous event, it gave me a chance to reflect on the life of the car. In the 19 years we’ve owned it, we haven’t needed to do much work to it. Yes, we’ve changed tires, oil, batteries and brakes. We’ve also needed a new serpentine belt, spark plugs, and an alternator. But in those years, the core of my car – the engine – has remained strong.

Starting January 12th, we will embark on a new sermon series, “Gospel Values for Redeemer,” covering our core commitments as a church. Redeemer’s values, centered on the gospel, have always been the engine that propels our church forward. While my car engine will ultimately fail, the gospel will only grow in strength and glory with every passing year until Jesus returns. In its 22 years of ministry in San Antonio, Redeemer has changed locations, had different programs, and grown in our membership, renovated buildings, and added to our staff, but these seven foundational principles continue to animate and inform our life together.

God is at Work for his Glory: Our great hope is to be a church captivated by God’s final pursuit – Himself. Ironically, in pursuing His glory, our greatest joy is found. As a result, our confidence is not in ourselves, but in His work. God is always going ahead, behind and alongside of his people. The Church is, first and foremost, His great work. Our calling is to participate in what He is already doing.

God’s Truth: The Bible is a living authority, shaping our preaching and teaching, and making application to everyday life. It is through the Scripture that God changes the hearts of the unconvinced and matures those already in Christ.

Gospel Freedom: The gospel frees us from the dual temptations of despair in failure and self-centered pride in success. The engine of the Christian life is the gospel of grace, transforming all whom it touches. This gospel freedom is central to our message, and the driving force behind our evangelism, growth, and service.

True and Vibrant Worship: Worship is at the core of who we are as humans. It’s not just what humans do, but how we were made to live. Christian worship turns us away from the trivial and artificial objects of worship which sometimes captivate our hearts and returns us to the person of true worship – the Living God.

The Church – Its People and Community: The Christian faith is not something lived out in isolation, but in the context of the Church. Redeemer is both an organization of people and a living organism or community called the body of Christ. For this reason, we value people- men, women and children- and the uniqueness of their gifts with which they serve others out of the “overflow” of knowing Christ.

The City and Its Culture: Christ came to establish not simply a church, but a Kingdom. This Kingdom work is not to be against the city, nor is it to condone, but seeks to transform both city and culture. As “Kingdom Saints” we believe that it is our responsibility to winsomely and realistically engage San Antonio (its beauty and its ugliness) all for the glory of Christ.

Openness and Warmth: The church is for every kind of person from every kind of background. Everything we do must be done with humility, sensitivity and a listening ear to those who are not yet a part of us. At Redeemer, we are committed to giving honest answers to honest questions. We believe that creating an atmosphere where people are free to interact, question and dialogue about the Christian faith is more conducive to mature and long-lasting Christian commitment.

As we start 2025, we’re excited to unpack these values and revisit them together. For those who are hearing them for the first time, I hope they resonate with how you are experiencing Redeemer. And for those who have known these values for years, may we ask God to strengthen our commitment to them, all for His glory!


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