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Session Announces Updated Worship Service Guidelines.

May 13 2021
May 13 2021


Good afternoon Redeemer friends and family!

Over the past year all of us have had to make some form of personal sacrifice as we navigate this global pandemic. Whether it is the way we grocery shop, attend school, go to work, vacation, visit family, celebrate, or mourn, our lives have been impacted. For all of us, these experiences have been hard, challenging our faith in new ways. By God’s grace, we have had to learn to walk graciously alongside one another in spite of differing opinions and experiences of the pandemic.

Another important way that our lives have changed has been our worship time together. Some of the personal sacrifices you have made were asked of you by our Session. Masks, social distancing, blue ovals on the carpet, no name tags or coffee, and no Christian Education classes are just a few of the ways our Sunday mornings have adapted to afford a safe, gathered, in-person worship experience for as many people as possible. It has not always been easy and your effort has not gone unnoticed. It has been our joy to see the ways you have demonstrated love for your brothers and sisters by sacrificing your own personal preferences. We are truly thankful for your patience and humility.

As we continue to balance the safety of those joining us for in-person worship with the Sunday morning experience, there are some very encouraging signs heading into the summer months and we feel it’s time to begin easing some of our safety protocols. Vaccination rates continue to rise and COVID outbreaks continue to decline. Multiple vaccines are readily available for anyone ages 16 and up, and beginning this week a vaccine will be available for children ages 12-15. Additionally, the CDC continues to adjust its guidance in favor of lessening restrictions. In light of these positive signs, the Session is pleased to announce a gradual easing of safety protocols in our worship services. It is our hope that these changes are an encouragement to all of us as we begin returning our in-person worship to a sense of normalcy.

Beginning this Sunday, May 16th, and on May 23rd:

  • Name Tags – They are back! Feel free to grab your name tag on the way in to the building. If you don’t have one, please fill out a request card and drop it in the appropriate box.
  • Bulletins – We will resume distributing bulletins at the entrance to the sanctuary. You may either take one from the entry table or receive one from a greeter.
  • Greeting of Peace – We will resume our practice of greeting one another just before the sermon. This is a wonderful way to welcome and connect with those sitting around you in the sanctuary by waving hello and sharing a verbal greeting.
  • Nursery – Sign up is no longer required for nursery and parents can now bring diaper bags/backpacks for drop off with their children.

A reminder that for these two Sundays (May 16th and 23rd), masks are still required for all worshippers over the age of 10 during both worship services.

Beginning Sunday, May 30th:

  • Mask Optional Service – Masks will be optional in the 11 a.m. worship service. You may still choose to wear a mask, but no one will be required to wear a mask in the building during the 11:00 a.m. service.
  • Mask Required Service As we continue to ease into these adjustments, for now, masks will be required in the 9:30 a.m. for everyone over the age of 10.
  • Worship Service Sign Up – Sign up will no longer be required for worship services.

There are some practices that will continue:

  • Livestream – Livestream will still be available during the 11:00 a.m. worship service on the Redeemer San Antonio App and at
  • Worship Entry and Exit – All procedures for entry and exit of the building and sanctuary will continue for both services.
  • Disinfecting seats - Our Deacons will continue disinfecting the seats in the sanctuary between the two services.
  • Communion – We will continue to distribute the bread and wine using our stacked cups.
  • Volunteer Safety – For the safety and encouragement of our guests, all ministry volunteers will be required to wear masks while performing their Sunday morning duties during both services, including greeters and ushers.
  • Refreshments – We are not ready to resume our coffee time between services, and continue to ask that you wait until you are outside the building to congregate.
  • Stay home if you are sick – If you are sick and/or exhibiting symptoms of COVID 19, especially fever, chills, loss of taste/smell, nausea, etc., for the safety of those around you please stay home and watch our livestream.

Additionally, we are planning to return to our full program of ministry in the late summer and early fall, including Spiritual Formation classes for adults and Christian Education for children. In the coming weeks you will begin to see protocol adjustments for certain ministry programs, such as youth, women’s, and men’s ministries. For now, please observe the protocols communicated by each ministry leader, especially for the youth and children’s ministry as we allow time for those who choose to have children ages 12-15 vaccinated to do so.

This has been a long road and it is not over just yet. The safety of the congregation remains a top priority, and so does our need to walk patiently with one another. We will continue to stay vigilant on the changing pandemic environment, whether it continues to improve or begins to worsen, seeking God’s wisdom as we adjust our safety protocols accordingly. We thank God for His continued provision during this time, and we pray for the physical and spiritual health of our congregation regularly. Please pray for us, your Session, for wisdom and humility as we continue shepherding our congregation through multiple transitions. Ongoing updates about our plan for in-person worship are available here.

In Christ,

The Session of Redeemer Presbyterian Church


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